Frequently Asked Questions

What services do we offer?
We at DM computers provide all kinds of services related to computers and networking with 100% satisfaction guarantee. Here is the list of the services offered.

Which locality or area do we service?
We are located in the city of Brampton, Ontario and we offer our services across GTA. Some special offers are only applicable to specific areas, please check the offer details.

Do we offer Annual Maintenance services?
Yes, we offer annual maintenance services for home and business clients. There are always benefits to purchasing services in advance, contact us for more information.

What will we do in maintenance?
We will check all the major parts of the computer and network system and analyze performance reports, backup reports, hard disk reports, CPU and memory utilization, error logs, virus scan, etc. Contact us for more information.

How can you benefit from this?
You might be living in an area where we have special services offered which are free or very competitive. We often offer free one-time computer assessments without any obligations in a limited area, do check out the specials page for details.

How are we different from others?
We offer quality services at very competitive rates and we will do price match and beat the rates offered by any competitor for the same service. We do in-home service so you would not have to bring your machine to us, we will visit you and fix it onsite.

What are our service charges?
Unless mentioned otherwise, we charge $120 (including travel and the first ½ hour of onsite troubleshooting) and $110 per hour ($60 per ½ hour) subsequently.

What kind of warranty do we offer for the work done?
We offer 7 days “DM Seal of Protection” for paid services. If the issue surfaces again, we will not charge anything.

Are there any rewards or referral bonuses?
You get a 10% discount on your next service when your referred friend gets a paid service from us.

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