Email Exchange Server & Acttive Directory

Active Directory & Exchange

If you have more than 5 employees and you want to share applications and devices like printers, scanners, fax machines, etc then Active directory is a recommended solution for you as it simplifies the task of sharing devices, applications, or resources among users. Also setting up Active Directory gives you granular control over the users and resources and makes it easier to do audits. If you also want to host all your company Emails locally in your office as you don’t want to share your data with any other mail providers then Microsoft has a very powerful messaging solution called Microsoft Exchange. It works very well with Active Directory and provides an integrated interface. Hosted exchange setup allows you to set up user emails, share mailboxes, share calendars, backup emails, and much more.

If you do not want to host your email at your location then we can host it on Microsoft Office 365 servers which give you all the great features without having to maintain a hosted exchange server. Contact us for more information and an assessment appointment.

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